If this is your first time replacing your roof, figuring out the right roofing material can be… a lot.

There are many types of roofing materials and their pros and cons. The best way to figure out what material is best is to understand:

  • What you want your roof to do for you

  • What it needs to stand up against

Here’s what you need to consider.


You need to consider the local climate. Portland experiences all four seasons to their fullest. You get hot, wet, and cold, snowy days. Materials like concrete, slate tiles, and terracotta are great options for a Portland roof in hotter climates.  

Overhanging trees and humidity can cause mold, moss, algae, and mildew to grow on your roof in Portland and can impact the roof's performance. Consider materials like the ones above that can handle these types of environmental conditions. 

Energy Efficiency

Roofers in Portland offer materials that can help you save money on your energy bills. Materials like metal and asphalt shingles are great options as they reflect the sun's heat away from the home. Other materials may absorb heat, which is then transferred into your home. 

Cool roofs do just that – they help keep your home cool. Your AC won't have to work as much to bring the interior’s temperature down to your desired level. If your energy bill is high, you may want to consider speaking to roofers in Portland about a cool roof. 


It’s essential to consider the maintenance your roof in Portland will need. You should know what regular maintenance will be like and the cost of upkeep. Your roof is constantly being exposed to all types of conditions, which is why it's important to have Portland roofers evaluate your roof’s integrity at least once a year. 

This is a decades-long commitment, and all materials will need attention at some point. Low-cost roofs typically need more frequent maintenance, but repairs and replacements will be cheaper.

Types Of Roofing Material 

Below are the most common materials used on roofs. 

  • Asphalt Shingles: These are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, making them a popular choice for any Portland roof. There is a variety of colors and styles available. Asphalt shingles protect your home from heat, rain, snow, and more, but they may not last as long as other Portland roofing materials.

  • Clay or Concrete Tiles: These tiles are durable and are a popular choice due to their longevity. They can last up to 50 years with little maintenance needed. This is a good choice if you're looking for material that doesn't require frequent repairs, just occasional cleaning. Like asphalt shingles, they also come in many colors and styles, although they’re significantly more expensive. 

  • Metal Roofs: Another option for a low-maintenance roofing material with a long life expectancy. Metal roofs can last up to 70 years. They are lightweight but can withstand heavy rain, winds, and more without little to no wear or tear. Metal roofs can be a bit more expensive but can be worth it. 

Final Thoughts

There are several other Portland roofing options available than the few mentioned above – your best bet is to speak to a reputable contractor.

Trusted, local Portland roofers can answer any questions and concerns you may have and ensure you make the right choice for your home and budget.