Your roof is the most essential component of your home, but it’s constantly exposed to the baking sun, blustering winds, extreme temperatures, and drenching rain. These harsh elements all impact your roof’s long-term health. 

The best path forward is to watch for warning signs and book regular professional inspections of your roof.

Here are five indicators it might be time to replace your Portland roof.

1. Indoor Markers

Many signs of an aging roof can be observed inside your home. Moisture marks, repeated drips, and stains on your walls and ceilings should never be ignored. 

Head to the attic and take a peek for damp patches or rafters. Consider calling on Portland roofers for assistance. They have the tools and technical expertise to know exactly what to look for and will offer you the best advice on whether to repair or replace. 

2. Age Markers

An asphalt shingle roof's lifespan is usually between 20 and 30 years, so on its 21st birthday, you should consider a replacement. 

If you have been proactive and done regular inspections and maintenance, you could give it another 5 years. Experienced Portland roofers can give you a professional opinion.

Consulting with a roofer in Portland is the surest way to check the state of your roof. Your Portland roofing team will look carefully at any damage, consider the age of your roof, and offer the best solution for your needs and budget.

3. Missing, Curling, Cupped, or Broken Shingles

Regularly inspecting your shingles for signs of damage is a must, especially after major weather events like hailstorms. Many professional roofers in Portland offer storm damage repair and replacement services and can get you a fast, free quote to address any issues they find during the initial inspection.

If just one or two shingles are missing, a quick repair might suffice, but more will likely necessitate a replacement. Call Portland roofing professionals to be certain. 

4. Your Roof Has Become a Garden

If you have noticed over time that the color of your Portland roof has changed to green, it could indicate that moss, mold, or fungi have taken over. This means that moisture is trapped and could be seeping through into your attic. 

Removing moss from your roof in Portland may sound like a small job, but excessive moss and mold growth could cause enough damage to necessitate a roofing replacement. Call expert roofers in Portland to get a professional opinion.

5. Your Energy Bills Are Steadily Increasing

A good roof helps keep the temperature in your home comfortable in any season. When your roof starts to fail, the hot or cold air escapes, and your electricity costs will climb as your HVAC system works harder to keep your home comfortable. 

Combat rising energy bills by calling professionals to inspect your roof in Portland and gauge whether it’s time for a replacement.

When to Get Advice

Choose a reliable roofing company to ensure you are armed with the best professional advice when it’s time for a roofing replacement.

Regular inspections by a top Portland roofing company can help you avoid premature replacements and get the most out of your investments.